(Useful for the evil and suffering topic).
One of Hicks's arguments is that evil and suffering are created by God as a scheme of "soul-making", in order for humans to better themselves to be accepted into heaven. He states that development of the human soul has to occur in a world of distress as we cannot grow in a world where everything is already perfect.
There are a number of problems with John Hick's "soul-making" theodicy. Primarily, not all suffering and evil have benefits for the growth of human morality as the negative responses may outweigh the positive. For example, a young child dying may develop feelings of empathy and compassion, however the consequent sorrow and pain may prevent an individual in moral development and putting their trust in God.
Aoife, a succinct overview of Hick's position. More detail would be better, as would your own response to his views - or those of other scholars.